Ethical Hacking Using Termux Application on Android. #3

 >>Welcome to the 3rd part of this series. Today we will see some 'Just for FUN' commands in termux.

-previous part of this series check this link:

-Let's start with some FUN commands of the termux application.

1. cacafire

-To install this commands follow these steps:

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install libcaca

-To run this command type

cacafire (You will see a awesome termux screen)

- You want some fun with termux try this command it will create a running train on your termux application screen.

For Installation type:

apt install sl

-To run this command type

sl ( you will see a running train on your screen)

3. cmatrix

-You have seen in many movies how the hacking actual is if you want to impress or showoff your friends just try this command once.

For installation type:

apt install cmatrix

-To run this command type 

cmatrix (You will see an awesome interface on your screen)


-If you want to browse websites in termux you can also do that. 

For installation type:

apt install w3m

-To run this command type 

w3m (you can add any website you want)

5. cowsay

-This is one of the funniest command of termux. If you want a cow to repeat what you type.

For installation type:

apt install cowsay

-To run this command type 

cowsay Praksh@hacker( You can add any name you want)

6. toilet

-If you want to see your name in different colors and fonts then use this command.

For installation type:

apt install toilet

-To run this command type 

toilet Prakash@hacker ( you can change the name as you like.)

Another use of this command type:

toilet -f mono12 -F gay "Prakash@hacker"

7. fish

- To make your termux easy to use just use this command.

For installation type:

apt install fish

-To run this command type 

fish( you will see a easy interface while typing commands)


-This command will reverse the digits you entered

-Just type this command.

Today we have learned some more commands. Just practice this commands and see what happens. If you face any problem let me know in the comment box.



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