Ethical hacking using termux on android #2

 >>Welcome to the 2nd part of this ethical hacking using termux application using termux.

  • yesterday we have learned about some basic commands of the termux. if you still not seen it please go through this link.

  •  Let's try some new basic command of termux
1. mv
 -This command is used to move files from one location to another.
ex: mv source destination e.g. mv 123 downloads

2. cp
- This command is used to copy files from one location to another.

3. mkdir
This command is used to create a single directory in specified location

4. rmdir
- Above command will remove files or can say delete the files.

5. touch
- This command will create multiple empty files and folders.
ex: touch 123.txt 111.txt 222.txt

6. cat
- This command will open the specified text file.

Note: This are some basic commands of termux.  From tomorrow we will start with some basic hacking which are available in termux.

If you have any query let me know in the chat box.

Thank You.


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